Forensic Psychology Degree

Solving the Puzzle: the science behind crime

Examination of crime through science and psychology gives students a deeper understanding of law and legal system.

“The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.” – Paul Valery

Your 课程s – Forensic Psychology Degree

Through studies of theory and methodology of psychology, curriculum will provide students with comprehensive teaching for a strong overall knowledge in a multifaceted field. Specialized studies and experienced professors will help you find your niche.

Trevor Kleinschnittger - 航空

Playing a Key Role

Quincy University and Great River 航空 have played a key role in goals I have been able to achieve. The staff was absolutely wonderful during my period of roughly two years. I recommend this flight school to other captains I fly with who have children in aviation and everyone who inquires about aviation in general.
Trevor Kleinschnittger, 第一个 Officer, Trans States Airlines

Active Learning Opportunities

  • 加入 Psi气 荣誉学会
  • 加入 Psych Club and attend lectures and activities geared towards Psychology majors and like-minded students
  • Intern at local agencies that help those in need such as Social Service, 儿童福利, Domestic Violence, and 公共卫生 agencies.
有趣的事实: 最后的 spring break our students traveled over 10,480 miles to complete 4,000 service hours in New Orleans, 纽约, South Carolina, 和更多的.
